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UROK Clinic North District Hospital (New Territories East Cluster)

The UROK (yoU aRe OK) team sets off to help young people quit drugs and stay healthy.



The UROK (yoU aRe OK) Clinic is a heart-warming example of how medical professionals care for the community and fulfill their social responsibility. The outreach clinic is run by a team of staff volunteers of North District Hospital to encourage young people to quit drugs. In view of the alarming situation of youth drug abuse in the district, UROK members, including urologists, psychiatrists, nurses and physiotherapists, share the goal of using their professional knowledge and skills to help young drug abusers.

With great commitment and dedication, UROK members reach out to the community when they are off duty. The mobile clinic operates at community centres at around midnight when young people usually hang out. They conduct health checks for young people and persistently communicate the message that "You are Ok if you stay away from drugs."


Urological assessment is among the health checks conducted at the UROK Clinic.


An innovative, caring approach to help young drug abusers
For the UROK members, their efforts have borne fruit. More than 76 teenagers have attended the Clinic since its establishment in July 2009. So far about one-third of them have stopped taking drugs or reduced usage in terms of dose or frequency. Support from staff of other healthcare disciplines is growing. With these encouraging results, the UROK Clinic will continue to work closely with non-governmental organisations to help young people lead a drug-free life.


A UROK member performs a blood pressure check on a young drug abuser.