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HA Rapid Diagnostic Laboratory Network on Influenza Hospital Authority Head Office and Clusters

Members of the Network work together to ensure a high standard of performance.



HA Rapid Diagnostic Laboratory Network on Influenza shoulders an important responsibility in combating influenza pandemics by providing solid support to front-line clinical teams.

The Network was established in 2004 in preparation for outbreak of emerging infections, H5N1 avian influenza in particular. Its goal is to provide a specific etiological diagnosis for patient management and disease containment. Equipment, manpower and training, protocol development, reagents stockpile and quality of results have all been properly addressed.


During the pandemic, laboratories provide same day polymerase chain reaction diagnosis for HSI to make timely and reliable results available to frontline medical staff.


A laboratory technician extracts nucleic acid from samples.



Rising to human swine influenza challenge
The real challenge to the Network came in April 2009 when human swine influenza (HSI), with its unknown transmissibility and virulence, was spreading worldwide. The Network soon faced a sudden surge in requests for a specific diagnosis of HSI with a short turnaround time.

To meet this unprecedented service need, laboratories in the Network ran tests, virtually non-stop during the pandemic. They constantly shared experience, reagents and even equipment to ensure a high standard of performance. The number of laboratories under the Network grew from five to seven.

Members of the Network truly believe a rapid and accurate etiological diagnosis is the single most important element in shaping a positive outcome in patient management as well as the pandemic. With high morale and a high degree of professionalism, the Network will continue to contribute to the control of any upcoming pandemic.