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September 2009
HA OSH & Vocational Training Centre
officially opens
To ensure HA staff have the necessary skills and experience to work safely and to enhance the abilities of supporting staff to perform various care-related tasks, the Head Office Human Resources Division staged the official opening ceremony of the "HA OSH & Vocational Training Centre" based in the West Wing of Kowloon Hospital (KH) on 21 July. The Division expects that more than 2,000 colleagues will attend the Centre's various training sessions during the next two years.

OSH Policy Statement signed
During the ceremony, our CE, Mr Shane Solomon, also signed the HA Occupational Safety and Health Policy Statement. This serves to demonstrate the HA's commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our staff members.
The Centre is equipped with a simulated ward environment for OSH and care-related vocational training.
Representatives from the Head Office, KH and
Clusters attend the happy gathering.
Mr Solomon signs the Occupational Safety and Health Policy Statement to show the HA's commitment to safeguard the safety and health of our staff.