Half price for Squash Court / Table Tennis Court |
Special price for swimming ticket (adult only) |
Exclusive 16% off Tennis Court during off-peak times |
Exclusive monthly fee of $299 for Fitness Membership |
Up to 15% off at the Salisbury Dining Room and Mall Café from Mondays to Thursdays |
Special discount on YMCA Adult Individual / Family Membership |
Enjoy member discount on other facilities of centres |
Member price on Fitness and Wellness and Domestic Helper programmes |
Don't miss out on the special discounts for HA staff. Let's exercise more and adopt a healthy lifestyle! For more details, please visit the Staff Welfare Webpage http://ha.home/staff or contact the YMCA directly (Tsimshatsui Centre: 2368 7070; King's Park Centenary Centre: 2782 6682).