o one knows your health condition better than you do. As the owner of your body, you're responsible for taking good care of it. To help you do that, the HA plans to launch a Personal Health Record pilot programme by the end of this year. It will enable those of you who have attended HA hospitals and clinics to access your own health data online and better understand your own health condition.
Dr Anna Tong, a HAHO Health Informatician, tells HASLink that the pilot programme will cover colleagues in HAHO and one of our Clusters first. "To begin with, the health records will be in English; but the next step will be to translate them into Chinese, together with some health tips like reminding diabetic patients to do more physical exercise."
The programme has already been discussed by the various Staff Group Consultative Committees, and most of their members are strongly in favour of it. "It will give our colleagues the right to access their own health data, which will help to remind them of the important fact that we should all take good care of ourselves." Dr Tong also welcomes everybody's feedback and enquiries about it. You can send an email to tongyh@ha.org.hk.
Let's endeavour to keep ourselves strong and healthy!