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W e introduced our new "Staff Corner" in the February issue, and we invited you to use it to share some of your most interesting photos. Surprisingly, only two colleagues sent us some. Were all the rest of you too busy? Anyway, we'd like to repeat the invitation. So, if you have any nice photos about nature, pets and other animals, we very much hope you'll send them to us for publication. And please don't forget we'll be awarding fabulous prizes for the colleagues who took them. Come on, do have a go!



Angel baby
From Carven Kwok, Material Management Team, United Christian Hospital


An amusing shop name seen in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, in February 2009. It actually sells bedding items.
From Leo Chu, Hospital Facility Management Section, Prince of Wales Hospital


How to submit entries
Your photos should be in JPEG format, with a file size of at least 1 MB each. Please send them to ehaslink@ho.ha.org.hk by 30 September 2009. Add a brief caption, as well as your name, office address and contact number, too.