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  Tin Shui Wai Primary Care Partnership Project Working Group

The TSWPPP is up and running successfully! Its Working Group hopes patients living in Tin Shui Wai will benefit from it.



T he Tin Shui Wai Primary Care Partnership Project (TSWPPP) programme in the New Territories West Cluster has been a milestone in the reform of Hong Kong's healthcare services, because it offers an innovative model for the way the private and public healthcare sectors can join forces to provide primary care to the town's residents.

Besides increasing the number of choices available to patients, the programme redirects the flow of them from public to private healthcare providers, thereby easing the burden on public hospitals and enhancing the quality of their General Outpatient Clinic services. At the same time, it helps to foster the family medicine model in community care.


The apple in this poster symbolises more choices for patients.

The Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health), Ms Sandra Lee, and our Chairman, Mr Anthony Wu, give out more apples to the public during a promotional campaign for the programme.

To ensure its smooth launch, the programme's team members worked in close partnership with private healthcare providers and HAHO. They also put considerable effort into many aspects of coordination and communication, logistical arrangements, data-updating and support. Afterwards, the TSWPPP Working Group was established to conduct population analysis and marketing activities, design the programme's logistics and enrol private medical practitioners and patients. In addition, it has been evaluating the programme's clinical performance by continuously monitoring outcome indicators.

The TSWPPP pools the expertise and resources of the public and private sectors in order to provide primary care services for local patients. It is testimony to the HA's value: "Quality Patient-Centred Care through Teamwork". The programme's successful implementation has been due to the concerted efforts and close cooperation of all our colleagues who have been involved in it.


Dr AU Si-yan, Alfred (Team Leader)   Service Director (Community Care)   NTWC
Dr CHEUNG Wai-lun, Allen   Director (Cluster Services)   HAHO
Dr Albert C Y LO   Cluster Chief Executive   NTWC
Ms Nancy TSE   Director (Finance)    HAHO
Dr SIN Ngai-chuen   Senior Manager (Transformation Projects)   HAHO
Ms Queenie LEUNG   Department Operations Manager (Community Care)   NTWC
Ms Pauline CHU   Cluster Co-ordinator (Pharmacy)   NTWC
Dr SEK Chi-ho, Antonio   Senior Health Informatician (eHR)   HAHO
Mr HO Siu-lung, Eric   Systems Manager   HAHO
Dr Jun LIANG   Consultant (Family Medicine)   NTWC
Ms Christina OR   Assistant Finance Manager   NTWC
Ms Mona LEE   Assistant Hospital Manager   NTWC
Dr CHOY Khai-meng   Chief Manager (Service Transformation)   HAHO
Ms Venus CHOY   Chief Legal Counsel   HAHO
Mr Michael KAN   Assistant Legal Counsel   HAHO
Ms Clara CHIN   Senior Manager (Finance Development & Costing)   HAHO
Mr Wilson AU   Cluster General Manager (Finance)   NTWC
Dr N T CHEUNG   Chief Medical Informatics Officer   HAHO
Dr Y S NG   Associated Consultant   TSW
Ms K Y CHANG   Advanced Practice Nurse   TSW
Mr POON Tsz-lok   Pharmacist   TMH
Ms Rita LAU   Dispenser   TMH
Mr WONG Kwok-keung, Patrick   Analyst Programmer I   HAHO
Mr Edwin LO   Analyst Programmer I   NTWC
Ms Yuki CHAN   Analyst Programmer II   NTWC
Mr Janson KONG   Computer Operator I   NTWC
Mr Dick CHIU   Technical Services Assistant   TMH
Ms Chloe WONG   Technical Services Assistant   TMH
Mr FUNG Tat-shing, Michael   Senior Systems Manager (Informational Systems & Standards)   HAHO
Mr WONG Ka-man, Max   Analyst Programmer II   HAHO
Mr YEUNG Siu-man, Simon   Contract Analyst Programmer   HAHO
Ms CHAN Ha, Kathy   Analyst Programmer II   HAHO
Ms S C CHIANG   Senior Pharmacist   HAHO
Ms Connie NG   Pharmacist   HAHO
Mr Hudson CHAN   Systems Manager (Clinical Systems)   HAHO
Mr Danny LO   Analyst Programmer I   HAHO
Mr Edward CHEUNG   Analyst Programmer I   HAHO
Ms Vera LIN   Personal Secretary   NTWC
Ms Tang Yuet Kam   General Services Assistant   TSW
Mr Pak Wai LEE   Chief Pharmacist   HAHO
Ms Amy CHOW   Manager (CA&DM)   HAHO
Ms Rita SIU   Center Manager   HAHO
Ms Agnes WONG   Hospital Manager   NTWC


Mr Paul Yu Shiu-tin, BBS, MBE, JP
Hospital Governing Committee Chairman
Tuen Mun Hospital