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  Art-in-CPH Project Team

E stablished in 2004, the Art-in-CPH Project Team uses art to achieve the following goals:
  To create a visible public image of art and humanity at Castle Peak Hospital (CPH);
To incorporate art into its décor;
To include art in the clinical services and holistic care it delivers; and
To help overcome prejudice against CPH, mental health service users and the disabled.

Since its launch, the Project Team members have established an art studio, art gallery and art garden at CPH, to allow patients to bring their artistic talents into full play. Their creations are also exhibited regularly in other hospitals in the New Territories West Cluster, which helps to brighten up the lives of their patients, staff and visitors.

Mental health service users have learnt to play the djembe (a type of drum that originated in Africa) and they stage performances on various occasions.



The Project Team has introduced various forms of creative art — such as paintings, music, dancing, sculptures and Cantonese opera singing — to enhance the quality of life of mental health service users. It also organises performances, exhibitions and mental health activities in various public venues, and it plans to include some of the hospital artists' works in an almanac and commercial products as a form of community participation.

Another extraordinary achievement of the Project has been its success in using public activities and media coverage to reduce the social stigma against CPH and mental health service users. Its Team has also built up excellent partnerships with government departments, NGOs, professional bodies and commercial enterprises.

Dr FAN Tak-wing (Team Leader)   Senior Medical Officer   CPH
Mr David LEE   Service Manager   CPH
Mr Roger NG   Department Operations Manager   CPH
Mr KWONG Ping-sum   Ward Manager (Psy)   CPH
Ms WONG Yan-ning, Edmen   Ward Manager (Psy)   SLH
Ms AU Chung-nam   Ward Manager (Psy)   CPH
Ms CHAN Lai-wah, Winnie   Ward Manager (Psy)   CPH
Ms LAI Fung-yi   Registered Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Ms CHAN Man-yu, Christine   Registered Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Mr LAU Hau-cheung   Enrolled Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Ms KOO Lai-lan   Enrolled Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Ms TANG Lai-ching   Enrolled Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Ms WONG Mei-ling   Enrolled Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Mr LEUNG Chi-kit   Enrolled Nurse (Psy)   CPH
Ms Vivian WONG   Hospital Manager (Public Affairs)   CPH
Ms LAM Ho-yan   Executive Officer II   CPH
Ms CHAN Sai-mui   Office Assistant   CPH
Mr HO Shu-wing   Health Care Assistant   CPH
Ms CHEUNG Kuk-fun   General Services Assistant   CPH
Ms LAU Lai-hing   General Services Assistant   CPH
Ms CHAN Yin-fong   General Services Assistant   CPH
Ms Helen MA   Clerk III   CPH


Dr Tsang Fan-kwong
Senior Medical Officer / Ex-co Chairman, CPH Institute of Mental Health
Castle Peak Hospital

The CPH art garden helps to brighten up the lives of all who visit it.


Project Team arranges art exhibitions outside the Hospital to give the public a chance to enjoy the paintings.