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  Dr Chan Tak-shing, Jimmy

Dr Jimmy Chan is obviously a person who enjoys wearing many different hats and sharing his knowledge and skills with the community. Already well known to many in the HA for his roles as Chief of Service of the Accident & Emergency Department of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Service Director (Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine) of the New Territories East Cluster, he became more prominent in the community as Venue Medical Officer during the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Games.

However, that's just the beginning. In fact, Dr Chan is actively engaged in voluntary work in many other fields too. He is Honorary Medical Advisor to the Hong Kong Police College, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the A&E Medicine Academic Unit of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Honorary Consultant at the Macau University of Science and Technology, an Honorary Member of the E.M.S. Faculty at the University of Hawaii, and Regional Director (HK) of the Advanced HazMat Life Support of the University of Arizona. Furthermore, he was the Founder and President of the Hong Kong Association for Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine in 2008.

Before giving his unreserved support to the Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Games, he previously served as the Mobile Medical Team Leader of the World Trade Organization's 6th Ministerial Conference in 2005. And he has already been appointed as the Venue Medical Team Co-ordinator for the forthcoming 2009 East Asian Games.




Dr Chan says he was surprised to learn he had been selected as one of the HA's outstanding staff. "I feel it was just a little bit of luck. In our hospital, we strongly emphasise the 'hospital without walls' concept. Besides doing our existing work well, we feel we should also step outside the hospital to increase our knowledge in other fields. That was why I studied bio-chemistry, and why I went to Bath in England to learn more about the organisation of equestrian events."

The "3S" concept is another important philosophy Dr Chan wishes to share. "The first 'S' is 'Skills' — keep on learning and absorbing new knowledge. The second 'S' is 'Share your vision' — try to explain your ideas and get them accepted by different stakeholders in order to make processes run more smoothly. The final 'S' is 'Synchronise' — conduct frequent drills and practice sessions to discover better ways to do things and achieve your goals."

Dr Chan is showing us how "walking the extra mile" can help us to make full use of our talents. Let's follow his example!


Dr Chan co-operated during the Equestrian Events with colleagues from different hospitals, as well as members from other organisations with a variety of different backgrounds. Together, they upheld the philosophy of "One World, One Team" as they did their utmost to provide outstanding medical services.


Dr Tung Sau-ying
Cluster Chief Executive / Hospital Chief Executive
Kowloon West Cluster / Princess Margaret Hospital

Dr Chan shares his valuable clinical knowledge and experience with medical students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.