
HA’s global hunt for talent

The Hospital Authority (HA) has taken advantage of the easing of international travel restrictions to go globetrotting in a campaign to promote the latest registration arrangement for working in Hong Kong to medical students and medical practitioners. Dr Gladys Kwan, Chief Manager (Medical Grade), has joined delegations on trips to London of the United Kingdom (UK) and Sydney of Australia in the space of two months where fairs were hosted to engage doctors trained non-locally with sincerity and encourage them to join the public healthcare sector in Hong Kong.

Dr Kwan says the response to the recruitment campaign has exceeded expectations and cites a case of a psychiatrist who travelled from Melbourne to participate the event in Sydney. “She was born and raised in Hong Kong and has always wanted to contribute to the Hong Kong healthcare system,” she explains. “She had done a lot of research, but the more information she gathered, the harder it became for her to find a clear path back to Hong Kong. After speaking to us, however, she is more determined than ever to take action.”

The two recruitment fairs in the UK and Australia attracted a total of more than 800 participants online and offline, and over 150 conditional offers were issued. The HA is now considering holding similar fairs in places with locally-born medical students and graduates or with medical schools on the list of Recognised Medical Qualifications determined by the Medical Council of Hong Kong. On the other hand, the HA maintains regular communication with the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine to ensure that both local and non-locally trained doctors have sufficient opportunities for specialist training.

Dr Kwan (right) states that the results of overseas recruitment fairs were beyond expectation. Dr Chong (left) is actively arranging ‘clinical observation’ for interested medical students and medical practitioners. A dedicated team has been set up to handle arrangements for doctors trained non-locally to work in Hong Kong and to put out recruitment information through online platforms like LinkedIn, which is more effective. Dr Catherine Chong, Senior Manager (Medical Grade) explains, “with the support of hospitals, we will arrange non-locally trained medical students and doctors to take part in clinical attachments to public hospitals during their holidays in Hong Kong, lasting from one week to a month and allowing them to experience the operation of public hospitals first hand.”

The HA has also resumed clinical exchange activities and is planning a Global Healthcare Talent Scheme which will be coordinated by different specialties to invite non-local doctors with specific qualifications to come to Hong Kong, promoting international medical research and exchanges.

Myths about non-locally trained doctors working in Hong Kong

Q: Is it true that only medical graduates on the list of Recognised Medical Qualifications and Hong Kong permanent residents can practise in Hong Kong?
A: The Hong Kong healthcare system welcomes doctors trained non-locally with different backgrounds who want to return to work in Hong Kong. If the doctor did not graduate from a school on the list of Recognised Medical Qualifications, or is not a Hong Kong permanent resident, the doctor may practise in Hong Kong under a limited registration arrangement to obtain specialist qualifications and full registration after serving a designated period of time.

Q: Is it necessary to complete specialist training to work in Hong Kong under the Special Registration arrangement?
A: The Special Registration arrangement does not require doctors to hold specialist qualifications. Non-locally trained doctors without specialist status can receive specialist training through the HA and then obtain full registration after serving a designated period of time.

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