
Good collaboration between Chinese and Western physicians

(From left) Xie Dong-ping, Dr Fong Wing-chi, and Wu Guang-ping. Since mid-November 2022, Chinese medicine (CM) experts Chief Physician Xie Dong-ping and Associate Chief Physician Wu Guang-ping from Guangzhou have been attending to the Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine (ICWM) service for managing COVID-19 severe cases in Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and Princess Margaret Hospital following the launch of the ‘Greater Bay Area Chinese Medicine Visiting Scholars Programme’ by the Hospital Authority (HA) last year.

Dr Fong Wing-chi, Chief of Service of Medicine Department of QEH, says the programme is a good opportunity for medical practitioners from Hong Kong and the Mainland to tap each other’s strengths. Meanwhile, the CM experts, who joined QEH in November, praise their Hong Kong counterparts for their care to patients and professionalism, and both medical teams are working well with good team spirits.

Praise local doctors for professionalism

The two experts first worked in Hong Kong when they provided CM treatment to COVID-19 patients at Treatment Centre for COVID-19 (AsiaWorld-Expo) as members of the Mainland Medical Support Team during the fifth wave of the epidemic in early 2022. Xie found that Hong Kong inpatients are quite receptive to CM treatment during his service. One patient even asked CM practitioners (CMPs) to treat his wife after seeing good results from the treatment himself.

Xie opines that Hong Kong’s healthcare system is different from that of the Mainland and thus the HA should develop its unique ICWM service model. For instance, he observes that patients’ rights to know is important in Hong Kong, and therefore healthcare workers should seek consent from patients before treatment. Xie remarks that ICWM service will be further expanded step-by-step as the HA has laid solid foundation with past years of experience.

Wu was impressed by the Hong Kong medical team and says, “doctors here are patient-centred and open-minded. They are willing to accept any treatment that is good to patients.” He is excited that the Chinese and Western medical teams work well together, exchange ideas and also proactively screen for patients with similar conditions to receive CM treatment.

Both Chinese and Western medical teams will assess patient’s suitability for Chinese medicine treatment together.

Patients’ conditions improved after treatment

The Medicine Department at QEH is among the first two sites to implement ICWM model in treating severe COVID-19 patients. Dr Fong says his team was initially concerned about the clinical outcomes on patients, because they were not familiar with CM treatment before the service was kickstarted. With adequate preparation and communication, the collaboration went smoothly and Dr Fong is glad that it has been effective. He supplements, “the CM experts have profound knowledge of Western medicine treatment and it helps prevent any contraindications as far as possible. I have also gained a better understanding of CM. Some patients found their symptoms relieved after CM treatment, and we are pleased with the results.” Dr Fong looks forward to further development of ICWM service in other disease areas, particularly for stroke patients.

The experts also provide clinical coaching to local CMPs. Ho Lai-fun, CMP of Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre (Shatin District), describes it as the chance of a lifetime. “CM experts discuss with us which patients are suitable for Chinese medicine before they have ward rounds each day,” Ho says. “I am privileged to have strengthened my capability in analysing examination reports and can better understand patients’ conditions to make clinical judgement. I am honoured to have this training opportunity.”

Chinese medicine consultation and treatment will be provided with patients’ consent.
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