
Anti-pandemic snaps

Patient Support Call Centre lends a helping hand

The rapid spread of the third wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong has led to surging demand for hospital isolation beds. During the peak period, more than 100 confirmed patients were waiting for hospitalisation. We received a call from the Head Office suggesting deploying some nurses of Patient Support Call Centre (PSCC) to support patients awaiting admission. We immediately discussed with supervisor the preparation arrangements including enhancement of IT system, manpower deployment, preparation for scripts and staff training by batches. With everything ready, the PSCC designated line commenced service on 30 July to proactively reach out to and support patients in need. We provided pre-admission advice, checked on their health conditions and offered tips to prevent spreading the virus to their household members. Understandably, patients felt anxious and helpless, and would often ask “How long do I still have to wait? What’s my position in the queue now? What should I prepare for my admission?”

Recalling one of the most unforgettable experiences, there was a patient who was nervous and wished to attend Accident and Emergency Department in order to be hospitalised as soon as possible. After assessing the health conditions of the patient, we explained the situation that staff were working hard to optimise the allocation of beds. Fortunately, the patient showed understanding of the arrangement. Some patients were afraid of being discriminated by their neighbourhood and requested for hospital admission in the dead of night. Through telephone support, we shared the feelings and worries of those patients. In this battle against COVID-19, we hope that our short call could provide some comfort to our patients.


Together as one

Learning about the call for support in AWE, I volunteered at once to join the team. From setting up nurse stations and blood draw stations, to familiarising myself with the facilities and admission procedures as well as coordinating with other departments, e.g. Fire Services Department and Immigration Department, we accomplished these missions impossible in two days. During my first week there, we were in a busy and chaotic state upon patient admission due to heavy workload of liaison work, bed allocation and patient care. Nevertheless, with our dedication to providing quality care, mutual support for each other and exchanges in opinions, we have overcome all the challenges.

Recalling one of the most unforgettable patients to me, a young foreign man working in Hong Kong was worried that he could not be discharged because of his high blood pressure. To ease his mind, we taught him to take deep breaths and relax. Just as he was found fit for discharge after assessment, he cheered loudly as if he had won a football match, and thanked us in his not-so-native Cantonese. It simply touches me as I witness the passion for living in our patients.


X-ray scan for giant

The X-ray machines at AWE are generally applicable to people with Asian physique. There were, however, exceptional cases. For example, a sailor from Russia was two meters tall and had to squat for an X-ray examination. In these three weeks, I was more than blessed that our work went smoothly with support from our reliable colleagues and the hospitals for providing the equipment. And thanks to colleagues from IT department who made uploading the images online possible, and radiologists from clusters who promptly provided medical reports by the end of the day to facilitate consultation and triage. Sometimes, we would chat with patients about their conditions and lives in AWE, hoping that this little act of care could fill them up with warmth.


Patients leave with smile

Being a ‘one-man band’ in the Community Isolation Facility (CIF) in its initial period of operation, I was responsible for admissions of new cases, conducting tele-ward rounds, analysing test results and handling all ad hoc tasks. The most unforgettable thing is that one of the CIF inpatients had received a call from the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital one day, learning that his family member, who was also confirmed with COVID-19 infection, was in critical condition. The patient was very anxious and wished to rush to the hospital to see his family member, yet he also understood that he could not leave there. To comfort the patient, my team and I immediately contacted the hospital and see if it was feasible to arrange a meeting for the patient and his family member. Fortunately, we were informed by the hospital the next day that the condition of the family member had been stabilised, and we all felt greatly relieved. In addition, due to the unstable internet connection, patients in CIF did not always have internet access and sometimes even had trouble calling their friends. So every day, they would share with us their lives, but most of all they wanted to know whether their Ct value went up or down! Having worked at the CIF for five days, it was the most satisfying to see patients recovering and leaving with big smiley faces.


14-day recovery

Since late July, confirmed cases of COVID-19 began to emerge in my workplace, the Kwai Chung Container Terminal. Not long after the outbreak, I started to cough and had sore throat. As I took a deep throat saliva test, the Department of Health informed me that I have been infected. I just felt anxious and helpless at that moment. I was therefore sent to the Community Treatment Facility at AWE on the next day. Just as I arrived, the medical staff went through a thorough examination including the chest radiograph for me. They also explained to me the check-in procedure, the facilities and so on. During my time at the facility, I picked up a daily routine of measuring my vital signs, including body temperature and blood pressure, by myself every morning, afternoon and evening. Besides, I needed to regularly take blood test and deep throat saliva test. Apart from these, the doctors met me via video call every morning and afternoon to monitor my physical condition. I also joined the medical staff for work-out to train up my body, and I must say that those meals were surprisingly good. As the viral load decreased and my body began producing antibodies, I was finally discharged after these two weeks of recovery. Here all I would love to say is that, a big thank you to the medical staff for safeguarding Hong Kong at your very best possible!


Behind the sweat

As a member of the HA, it is my responsibility to take action when I am able to fight the pandemic. I have worked at the CIF at Lei Yue Mun, Chun Yeung Estate, AWE and the temporary test centre at North Lantau Hospital. To me, the three weeks working at the CIF is definitely the most unforgettable experience. Those were hot summer days when temperature could hit 35 degree celsius, and I worked outdoor in full personal protective equipment (PPE) to deliver meals to about 170 patients. Each time it took two hours to deliver all meals and I was drowned in sweat from working so hard. Nevertheless, our team has always stayed united and cheered each other up to get better. Colleagues who got refreshed would help the others to deliver supplies, such as water and bedsheets, to patients, assist nurses to collect deep throat saliva specimen or conduct blood taking and other tasks. We also reminded each other about donning and doffing PPE to protect ourselves and patients from infection. I was deeply moved by the warmth brought by the supportive interaction among colleagues.

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