Castle Peak Hospital 60th Anniversary X Mind Space Kick-off

This year (2021), while Castle Peak Hospital (CPH) is celebrating its 60th anniversary, “Mind Space” has been opened to invited community organisations and schools for visits starting from October. Mind Space is established by Castle Peak Hospital with the donation of HK$30 million from the “HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme”, with the aim to raising public awareness of mental well-being.

Marking the milestone of its 60 years of service, CPH invited Professor Sophia CHAN Siu-chee, Secretary for Food and Health, Mr. David LIAO, Co-Chief Executive of HSBC Asia Pacific, Mr. ZHANG Hui-feng, Regional Head of Corporate Sustainability of HSBC Asia Pacific, Mr. Henry FAN Hung-ling, Chairman of the Hospital Authority, Dr. Tony KO Pat-sing, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr. Peter LEE Kwok-wah, Chairman of CPH Hospital Governing Committee, Dr. Simon TANG Yiu-hang, Cluster Chief Executive of the New Territories West Cluster, and Dr. LAM Ming, Hospital Chief Executive of CPH to host the kick-off on 15 November 2021. They joined the attendees and guests participating in the event online to witness CPH 60th anniversary cum service commencement of Mind Space.

CPH took this opportunity to show its appreciation to HSBC and the community members. Guests paid a visit to Mind Space afterwards to experience psychiatric symptoms with virtual reality (VR) simulations, and to have a face-to-face exchange with the Peer Support Workers.

The visiting arrangement of Mind Space will be reviewed with due consideration to the latest epidemic situation, and will be further extended to other groups and public visitors for free booking if situation allows. Mind Space will announce the updates on the visiting arrangement in due course. Please stay tuned for our future announcement.

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