Castle Peak Hospital presents HK’s first Mental Health Experience Museum
“Mind Space”

To promote a better understanding of patients with mental illness, Castle Peak Hospital establishes “Mind Space”, the very first Mental Health Experience Museum in Hong Kong, with the funding support by the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme. The facilities and installations of Mind Space are ready to give you a unique journey! Apart from understanding mental illness through interactive exhibits, visitors can also experience psychiatric symptoms with virtual reality (VR) simulations, and talk to our Peer Support Workers to know more about their feelings as people recovering from mental illness.

Having regard to the latest situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mind Space will officially open to the general public and group visitors for free in due course. Visitors are welcome to register through the website of Mind Space by that time. For the arrangement after service launch, please stay tuned for our future announcement.

Castle Peak Hospital expresses its gratitude for the generous donation from the “HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme” to build Mind Space.

Guests have an in-depth conversation with the Peer Support Worker to understand his experience.

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