Public Education Subcommittee

The Public Education Subcommittee promotes general mental health education to the public through a diversity of multi-media and multi-activity programmes which aim at increasing public awareness, dealing with stigmatisation and encouraging early identification and early intervention. For the mental wellness of the community at large, the Subcommittee also collaborates closely with community partners to deliver conjoint educational programmes.

The Subcommittee has produced numbers of mental health education information. For details, please click here.

Mental Health Educational Programmes

Certificate Courses in Mental Health

Certificate Courses and Advanced Certificate Courses in Mental Health were organised to provide training on the knowledge and skills in managing common mental illness to healthcare professionals and related personnel who may come into contact with people with mental health problems or their carers in their daily practice.

Basic Psychological Life Support (BPLS) Course

The IMH and St. John Ambulance have been co-organising the BPLS Course since January 2011. The course is run on a regular basis to provide participants an overview of the common mental health problems and treatments. It also teaches participants to recognise stress/ anxiety and be confident in offering help in a first aid situation.

Educational Talks for Public and Outside Agencies

Our mental health professionals (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, etc) were invited by community agencies to be speakers for mental health talks and seminars. Topics included schizophrenia, affective disorders, child psychiatric disorders, dementia, substance related psychiatric disorders, stress management, suicide, etc.

Mental Health Education and Promotion in Media

Our mental health professionals were invited to be interviewed by various media, e.g. radio & TV programmes and newspaper, to share on mental health topics. Articles written by our mental health professionals were also published regularly on newspaper columns.

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