IMH celebrated its 20th anniversary

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IMH celebrated its 20th anniversary
CPH 60th Anniversary cum Mind Space Kick-off
The first online "Certificate Course of Mental Health" was conducted to provide training on the knowledge and skills in managing mental illnesses during the epidemic
The Mental Health Experience Museum - Mind Space was established with the donation of HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme. It aims at raising awareness and knowledge of mental health
Collaborated with HK01 in establishing a health column and publishing articles since 2020 to disseminate mental health information to the public
Participated in a public art project "Viva! River" upon artist's invitation, and conducted "Welcome Home" community painting workshop for patients, carers and staff to create artworks together
A two-day workshop on "Cultivating Self-Esteem: A Transdiagnostic Cognitive-behavioural Perspective" delivered by Dr. Melanie FENNELL, renowned British Clinical Psychologist, was conducted for over 120 professionals
The first "Art-in-CPH Art Jam" was conducted for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy freestyle painting together
An "Art-in-CPH Exhibition" was held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to showcase patients' artistic talents
Mental Health Experience Museum by "HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme"
"Capture Beautiful Moment Photography Exhibition" was held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Game booths, exhibitions and guided tours were arranged in "CPH 55th Open Day" to introduce hospital's history and mental health information
The murals at the Art Garden were repainted by CPH service users, secondary school students, volunteers and CPH staff together for CPH 55th anniversary
Collaborated with Apple Daily in establishing a health column and publishing articles from 2015 to 2020 to disseminate mental health information to the public
Organised "Art-in-CPH Exhibition" at various MTR Stations since 2015
"Art-in-CPH Salon Photograph Exhibition" was held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to showcase patients' talents in photography to the public
The exhibition "Long Road to Our Verdant Peak" was held to introduce the history of psychiatry in Hong Kong
Conducted a three-day "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Training" delivered by Professor Jesse H. WRIGHT from the University of Louisville
"Stress Reduction DIY" was selected as "2012 Healthy Mobile Phone/Tablet Apps"
Mobile App "Stress Management DIY" was launched
The book on promoting mental health education was published
The "2011 IMH Conference" was jointly organised with the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists. Over 300 local and international guests attended the conference
Co-organised the 16-hour "Basic Psychological Life Support Course" with Hong Kong St. John Ambulance since 2011
Collaborated with Sing Tao Daily in publishing articles under the health column in its feature page from 2010 to 2019 to disseminate mental health information to the public
A two-day workshop on "Positive Psychology" delivered by Dr. Tal BEN-SHAHAR, Professor from the Harvard University, was conducted for over 300 professionals
IMH was invited for interviews in a programme of RTHK Radio 1 to introduce common mental illnesses and share mental health tips
The Closing Ceremony of "CPH Impression" was held
The first "Certificate Course of Mental Health" was conducted to provide training on the knowledge and skills in managing mental illnesses
The first two-year "Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatric) Training Programme" Graduation Ceremony was held
The Art-in-CPH Project Team introduced art in Castle Peak Hospital to explore patients' potential. The Team received the Hospital Authority Outstanding Team Award 2009
The "Youth Mental Health Gala" cum "CPH Impression" Art Exhibition was organised at Tuen Mun Town Plaza to raise public awareness of mental health among young people
"CPH Impression" Mural Painting Competition was launched. Over 250 students from secondary schools and special schools enrolled this competition
A Games Day was organised as the grand finale of "Project SEPAL" to promote integration among people with and without disabilities and to promote community's support to their carers
The first "IMH Conference" was organised. Over 300 local and international guests attended the conference
A two-day "Training Camp for Carers of People with Dementia" was organised to enhance carers' understanding on the disease and management skills, and to reduce their stress
"Emotional Management Kit" was produced to promote concepts and techniques of emotional management
"Awareness Programme for Teachers & Parents of Kindergarten Children with Problematic Behaviour of Pre-school Children" was organised and an education kit was published for kindergarten teachers and parents to manage pre-school children with behavioural problems
A game booth was set up in CPH Open Day to promote mental health
"Love and Tender Care Photo Competition" and "Best Carer Award" were organised to raise public awareness of mental well-being and to recognise the contribution of carers
Supported by the "Beat Drugs Fund", a systematic training course in "Adolescent Substance Abuse" was organised for frontline social workers to promote the multidisciplinary approach in helping abusers
"Elderly Suicide Prevention Programme" was launched. A traditional Chinese banquet with variety show was organised for about 100 depressed clients and carers
The "Art-in-CPH" project was launched to help service users develop creativity and talent in art through various art programmes
A special training kit "Continuing Medical Education Kit for General Practitioners on the Management of Depressive Illnesses" was designed for doctors
A "Mini Mental Health Resource Library" was set up at the Patient Resource Centre of CPH to provide resources about mental illness and recovery to carers
The exhibition on "Close Look at the History of Psychiatric Services in Hong Kong" was conducted at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences
"Art & Archives Gallery" was established
"IMH Fund-raising Concert 2003 for Project SEPAL" was held at the Government House to raise funding and widely publicise the Project
"Seminar and workshop on Art Therapy" were conducted to promote art therapy to carers
The four-year "Project SEPAL" was launched to enhance carers' mental health and capability, and to promote care for carers through various mental health activities
The book on defeating depression was published
Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital was established. It endeavours to promote community mental health and public mental health literacy by provision of public education, professional training and research in mental health