International Classification of Diseases (ICD) compiled by World Health Organization (WHO) is used to classify diseases and code diagnoses. In Hong Kong, ICD-9 (the 9th Revision of ICD) and ICD-10 (the 10th Revision of ICD) are commonly used to code malignant cancer cases. For the sake of consistency, those primarily based on ICD-9 are converted to grouped ICD-10 codes.
With increasing emphases on unifying the cancer grouping and terminology, HKCaR has revised a new cancer grouping with the collaboration of the Government Department of Health. The purpose of the table is to group the sites that are treated as a single site / group when disseminating cancer statistics to the public in most circumstances.
In this page, you may search the cancer sites or groups and the corresponding (grouped) ICD-10 / ICD-9 diagnosis codes. E.g. if you want to know the ICD codes for breast cancer, then simply type "breast" in the search engine below.
Note: Cancer related diagnosis codes not listed above are grouped into "Other and unspecified".