Guidelines for Hospital Admission through Accident & Emergency Department (AED)
- If hospital admission is needed after assessment by AED medical officer, emergency admission would be arranged.
- Patients are required to present the following documents for admission registration:
- Valid Hong Kong Identity Cards / other recognized identification documents.
- Hong Kong Birth certificate or other valid recognized identification documents for a patient under the age of 11.
- Immunization card and mother's valid Hong Kong Identity Card for a baby within 42 days of birth and yet to get the birth certificate.
- Proof of address (e.g. electricity bill) issued within the recent 6 months.
- Other documents (e.g. Certificate of Comprehensive Social Security assistance).
- For emergency admission, if you cannot present valid identification documents, you will be regarded as a non-entitled person and be required to pay a deposit on the admission day and full fees on the discharge day.
- For more information, please refer to the information sheets below:
Private Practitioners may refer acute patients to AED. However, hospital admission would depend on the medical conditions of individual patient.
Last updated on 29 January 2018