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Guidelines for Hospital Admission through Accident & Emergency Department (AED)

  1. If hospital admission is needed after assessment by AED medical officer, emergency admission would be arranged.
  2. Patients are required to present the following documents for admission registration:
    1. Valid Hong Kong Identity Cards / other recognized identification documents.
    2. Hong Kong Birth certificate or other valid recognized identification documents for a patient under the age of 11.
    3. Immunization card and mother's valid Hong Kong Identity Card for a baby within 42 days of birth and yet to get the birth certificate.
    4. Proof of address (e.g. electricity bill) issued within the recent 6 months.
    5. Other documents (e.g. Certificate of Comprehensive Social Security assistance).
  3. For emergency admission, if you cannot present valid identification documents, you will be regarded as a non-entitled person and be required to pay a deposit on the admission day and full fees on the discharge day.
  4. For more information, please refer to the information sheets below:
    1. Admission Information
    2. Patients' Charter


Private Practitioners may refer acute patients to AED. However, hospital admission would depend on the medical conditions of individual patient.


Last updated on 29 January 2018
