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Yoga Hydrotherapy Class

Increase your mobility and train up your core muscles by practicing yoga with the support and buoyancy of water.

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Training Video

Yoga Hydrotherapy Class Training Video

Mobilisation & Stretching Exercises

Mountain Pose 1. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, rise both arms as much as you can and straighten your body. 2. Relax your tensed muscles and hold the position. Take 5 belly breaths.
Mountain Pose
  1. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, rise both arms as much as you can and straighten your body.
  2. Relax your tensed muscles and hold the position. Take 5 belly breaths.

Crescent Moon Pose 1. Start with mountain pose, bend your trunk sideway until you feel some stretches over your waist. 2. Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.
Crescent Moon Pose
  1. Start with mountain pose, bend your trunk sideway until you feel some stretches over your waist.
  2. Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.

Shoulder Wheel Pose 1. Start with Warrior pose 2 (left side). 2. Swing your right arm like a wheel for 5 times whilst keeping balance. 3. Repeat on the other side.
Shoulder Wheel Pose
  1. Start with Warrior pose 2 (left side).
  2. Swing your right arm like a wheel for 5 times whilst keeping balance.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

Extended Side Angle Pose 1. Start with Warrior pose 2 (left side), raise your right arm. 2. Bend your trunk to the left side, try to rest your left elbow on your left thigh, you will feel some stretches over your right waist. 3.Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.
Extended Side Angle Pose
  1. Start with Warrior pose 2 (left side), raise your right arm.
  2. Bend your trunk to the left side, try to rest your left elbow on your left thigh, you will feel some stretches over your right waist.
  3. Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.

Extended Triangle Pose 1. Stand facing the pool edge with both hands holding the edge. 2. Position yourself with one leg in front of the other, whilst try to bend your fore leg and keep your hind leg straight. 3. Shift your weight forward while keeping your heels on the ground, until you feel some stretches over the calf.
Extended Triangle Pose
  1. Stand with your arms and feet far apart.
  2. Rise your right arm, bend your trunk to left side and try to reach below your left knee, you will feel some stretches over your right waist.
  3. Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.

Balance Exercises & Core Training

Chair Pose 1. Start with Mountain Pose, lower yourself to a semi-squat position while keeping your back straight.
Chair Pose
  1. Start with Mountain Pose, lower yourself to a semi-squat position while keeping your back straight.

Tree Pose 1. Tuck your tummy in and open your arms. Try to stand on single leg by shifting your weight onto your left and lifting up your right leg. 2. Lay your palms together, bend your right knee and place your feet against the side of your left knee (the height depends on your ability). 3.Maintain balance whilst keeping elbow and trunk straight and palms above head level.
Tree Pose
  1. Tuck your tummy in and open your arms. Try to stand on single leg by shifting your weight onto your left and lifting up your right leg.
  2. Lay your palms together, bend your right knee and place your feet against the side of your left knee (the height depends on your ability).
  3. Maintain balance whilst keeping elbow and trunk straight and palms above head level.

Warrior I Pose 1. Make a big step whilst keeping your back straight. 2. Tuck your tummy in and rise both arms. Hold the position for 5 breaths.
Warrior I Pose
  1. Make a big step whilst keeping your back straight.
  2. Tuck your tummy in and rise both arms. Hold the position for 5 breaths.

Warrior II pose 1. Stand by the side, open your arms and make a step with your left leg. 2. Lower your body by bending your left knee whilst keeping right leg straight. 3.Tuck your tummy in and hold the position for 5 breaths. Then repeat the pose on the right side.
Warrior II pose
  1. Stand by the side, open your arms and make a step with your left leg.
  2. Lower your body by bending your left knee whilst keeping right leg straight.
  3. Tuck your tummy in and hold the position for 5 breaths. Then repeat the pose on the right side.

Warrior III Pose 1. Shift your weight onto your left leg and raise your right leg backwards. 2. Flex your body using your hip as centre point, making your body like a letter T. 3.Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.
Warrior III Pose
  1. Shift your weight onto your left leg and raise your right leg backwards.
  2. Flex your body using your hip as centre point, making your body like a letter "T".
  3. Hold the position for 5 breaths and repeat the pose on the other side.

Lord of the Dance Pose 1. Stand on single leg, bend your right knee. Then grasp your right ankle by your right hand, raise your left arm. 2. Shift your weight forward and try to raise your right leg whilst keeping your back straight. 3.Look forward and hold the position for 5 breaths. Then repeat on the left side.
Lord of the Dance Pose
  1. Stand on single leg, bend your right knee. Then grasp your right ankle by your right hand, raise your left arm.
  2. Shift your weight forward and try to raise your right leg whilst keeping your back straight.
  3. Look forward and hold the position for 5 breaths. Then repeat on the left side.

Standing Spinal Twist Pose 1. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, open both arms. 2. Stand on single leg and swing the other leg sideway. 3. Twist your trunk by crossing your right leg to the left side, grasp your right thigh with your left hand. Hold the position for 5 breaths.
Standing Spinal Twist Pose
  1. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, open both arms.
  2. Shift your weight onto your left leg and lift your right leg forward.
  3. Twist your trunk by crossing your right leg to the left side, grasp your right thigh with your left hand. Hold the position for 5 breaths.

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The Physiotherapy Department of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital would try to ensure the accuracy of information provided on the website. The information contained in the videos and other content on the website has been made available for reference only, and is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or prevention of any disease. If any person feels unwell, please seek medical advice promptly to receive timely and appropriate treatment. The Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital shall under no circumstances be responsible or liable for any joint replacement post-operative exercises performed without professional guidance. If you have any questions about the video content and other information on the website, please consult a registered doctor or physiotherapist.

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Copyright 2019 The Physiotherapy Department of the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital. All rights reserved.
